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RSE- Relationship & Sexuality Education

At Llangan Primary School, we want to ensure that we provide our pupils with all the skills necessary for them to develop as healthy, confident individuals. As part of our curriculum, Relationships and Sexuality Education (or commonly known as RSE) plays a part in securing this ambition for all our learners. This page has been set up to provide you with information about what RSE looks like at our school, and to help you better understand the purpose of this mandatory element of the Curriculum within the Primary setting.

What is RSE?

All children should have the right to access information that keeps them safe from harm. This includes learning about healthy and safe relationships (family, friends, society etc.), and keeping safe online and offline; raising concerns with adults where this is appropriate. RSE is designed to safeguard all our children, supporting them to develop knowledge, skills and behaviours that will assist in protecting them throughout their lives. The skills and knowledge that are taught to pupils are always developmentally appropriate to the age of the child being taught.

It should be clear that RSE does not simply mean 'Sex Education' as can often be misunderstood, rather developing an understanding of what healthy relationships are and using this understanding to stay safe. Learning in RSE will also include recognising, understanding and speaking about all forms of discrimination, violence, abuse and neglect and seeking support and advice on a range of issues from trusted sources. 

As a school, we are keen to support you in your role at home to allow you to engage with the teaching and deepen the experience for your child of RSE and especially our Growing Up Lessons and if you would like to find out more about the content below:

 You can find more information about RSE in Curriculum for Wales here: 220804-rse-leaflet-en.pdf (  

A number of the lessons are based on the NSPCC PANTS campaign, whose website also has excellent resources for parents/carers to use with their child/ren. If you would like to look at these resources, please go to: If you require more information about the lessons, please see your child’s class teacher.   

Further information about the purpose of RSE in Schools can be found in the document below.