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Governing Body

Role of the Governing Body

Governors' Reports

Meet your school's Governors
Governor Role/Committees Bio

Abi Tiffin


Community Governor

I became a Community Governor of Llangan Primary School in November, 2021, even before my family and I moved to the area!  I became Chair of Governors in March, 2023.  I am passionate about education for all, having been a university lecturer; a primary teacher and headteacher; and now I teach adults English and maths!  I aim to use my education experience and skills to assist the Governing Body in making sound, positive decisions for the current and future children of Llangan Primary School.  I am very approachable and would be happy to discuss any queries you may have.

Louise Brookes


LA Governor

Operations Committee Member

Humanities Link

I have been involved with the school for several years as governor. I worked for 20 years in industry and now, as a current part-time student myself, I am passionate about learning. I will work to create a supportive environment for the children of Llangan in which they can develop life skills and a love of learning for themselves. 

John Worrall

Operations Committee Chair  

Lydia Dando

Parent Governor

 Finance and Operations 

Wellness link

Hello, I am Lydia Dando, and I have two children. I became a Parent Governor in October 2023.  I hold the school in very high regard and feel very fortunate that my children have been able to spend their primary school years in such a small, welcoming and dedicated school. As I no longer work away, I was very keen to take a more active role in supporting the school and the teaching body. I hope to bring my 20+ years of experience in the business sector to use in working with the Headmaster, teachers and other Governors to ensure that Llangan Primary school continues to go from strength to strength.

Louise Reed

Parent Governonr

I joined the Governing board in September 2023, but have been actively involved with the school since my eldest child started in 2017, as a past member of the parent forum and PTA. My professional background in marketing means I have a keen interest in communication and am always happy to promote and help with school events. On a personal level, I have an interest in STEM and creative subjects and am an advocate for inclusion, holistic wellbeing and pupil support. I am proud to have my children at Llangan School and look forward to supporting it as a Governor going forward.

Tim Allen

Standards Committee

Additional learning needs link

I am a Community Governor and joined the team in March 2023. My children were all educated at a local primary school and then Cowbridge Comprehensive, so becoming a Governor was a good opportunity to put something back into local education.

Whilst I don’t have a background in education, I have a lot of experience of working through management boards and committees. I am particularly interested in leadership and teacher development and support.

Ruth Williams

Standards Committee Chair 

 safe-guarding governor.

Health and Well-being link

Member of head teacher appraisal committee.

I am a parent governor with 2 children in the school (in Year 6 & 4) and became a governor in Autumn 2022.

I became a governor to help shape the direction of the school and ensure our children were receiving the best possible education. I was fortunate enough to begin my term at the same time as we welcomed Mr Griffiths to the position of head-teacher. This has led to a transformative and exciting time to be a governor, with many positive changes taking place.

I hope that I can bring skills developed in my professional life as a local medical consultant into my roles here in Llangan Primary school. I am used to working with teams bringing different specialities and experience and often adopt a leadership role here. I am already trained in safeguarding as per my NHS role, and I felt that the health and well-being subject area sat well within my own experience. However, ultimately, I am a mother who wishes to see my children succeed in their primary education and progress to secondary education as informed and well-rounded individuals. I feel my role as governor is to try and ensure that all our pupils have the opportunities to fulfil their potential in a nurturing and progressive environment.

Rhodri Crandon

Community Governor

Operations Committee Member

Being brought up in Treoes and currently residing in Llangan, I’m very pleased to be a Community Governor of Llangan PS which is an integral part of and an asset to the local community. I have run various businesses over the years and feel that the broad wealth of experience gained will help with some aspects of the governing of the school. As a fluent Welsh speaker I will also be able to provide support to the continued development of the language within the school as and when necessary. After all, the school motto is ‘Dring yn Uchel, Dring yn Uwch’ meaning 'Climb High, Climb Higher'.

Jayne Jones

  I am a Teaching Assistant in LLangan Primary and have volunteered to be a non teaching Governor for the school. I started work in Llangan Primary in September 2023.  Previous to this I was a Practice Manager in a Dental Practice in Caerleon, and before that I was a Teaching Assistant for 15 years. The skills  I feel I can bring to being on the Governing body is my experience working with children as a Teaching Assistant over many years.
David Anthony    
James Griffiths Head Teacher  
Zoe Llewellyn Deputy Head Teacher