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Attendance & Punctuality

At Llangan Primary School we want every child to gain the most from their education; coming to school every day, on time, is an important part of children reaching their full potential.


We believe in a positive start to the day for all our pupils, which is supported by arriving on time in a calm settled manner ready to embrace the day. Pupils who are consistently late miss valuable learning time. In the event that lateness cannot be avoided, pupils should enter via the main entrance and report to the school office. Children who are significantly late must be accompanied by an adult.

School starts at:

8.55am for Nursery to Year 6

For Nursery to Year 6, the gates to the playground are opened at 8.45 am, to enable children to be in school on time and ready for the bell to ring, and closed at 9:00 am.

School finishes at:

11.30 am for Morning Nursery

3:20 pm for Reception, Year 1 and 2

3:30 pm  Years 3,4,5 and 6


The school target for all children is 95%, so we want all our children to come to school regularly and only be absent if they are ill.

Informing the school of absence

If your child is unable to attend school due to illness please notify us by telephone, email or by using the enquiry link on the school website. You should do this by no later than 9 am on the first day of absence.

Children who have sickness and diarrhoea should be kept off school for 48 hours.

If your child becomes ill during school time it is important that we have up to date contact numbers so we can inform you of this.

 Ensuring regular attendance and punctuality is vital for your child's academic progress. We recently sent reminders to parents regarding attendance, with specific attention to those below 90%. Prompt arrival is equally important, as lateness can result in missed learning opportunities. Please note the following impact of attendance and punctuality on lesson attendance:

  • 95% attendance = 50 missed lessons (approximately 10 days)
  • 90% attendance = 100 missed lessons (approximately 4 weeks)
  • 85% attendance = 150 missed lessons (approximately 6 weeks)
  • 80% attendance = 200 missed lessons (over 7 weeks)
  • 75% attendance = 250 missed lessons (approximately 9 weeks)

Additionally, arriving late every day compounds the issue, with even small delays accumulating significant missed time.


Parents should make every effort to book any appointments outside of school time.  If your child has an appointment in the morning, they should come back into school as soon as it is finished so they don’t miss their lessons. If your child has an appointment in the afternoon, they should come to school for the morning.

Absence for holidays

There are many experiences outside school that children can learn from that will enrich their lives. However, learners are only in school for a limited amount of time and we must ensure that we can make the most of this time for your child. If you do decide that you must book a holiday during term time, please take into consideration that if your child misses school he/she can fall behind with school work and make less progress.

Section 444 of the Education Act 1996 applies to England and Wales. “Regular attendance” at school means attendance in accordance with the rules prescribed by the school. This means that a governing body, rather than a child’s parent, must decide what constitutes “regular attendance” at school. In practical terms, this means that a parent still needs the permission of the headteacher to remove their child from school for a family holiday. If the headteacher does not give permission for the leave of absence, the absence is treated as an “unauthorised absence.” As such a parent can be issued with a fixed penalty notice (fine) for not ensuring their child attends school regularly.

Parents should not take their children out of school for a holiday without first obtaining the permission of the headteacher in advance. Under the 2010 Regulations, school have a discretionary power to authorise up to ten days absence during a school year for family holidays during term time if it is considered necessary.

To inform the school about a holiday absence, please click here to find our request form.