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Year 6 Leaver’s Assembly at Llangan Primary School

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Llangan, 17th July 2024 — Llangan Primary School bid a heartfelt farewell to its Year 6 pupils during the Leaver’s Assembly held on Wednesday, 17th July. The event was a celebration of their time at the school, filled with songs, speeches, and special awards.

The assembly began with a spirited rendition of "Count on Me," setting a warm and emotional tone for the proceedings. Each Year 6 pupil then took the stage to share personal highlights of their life at Llangan, their favourite lessons, and their aspirations for the future. Their reflections showcased the diverse and enriching experiences they have had at the school.

In a nostalgic nod to their recent production, the pupils performed "We Go Together" from Grease, delighting the audience with their energy and talent. The class teacher, Mr. Howles, then took the stage to read a heartfelt poem he had written about the children, capturing the essence of their journey and growth over the years.

Following this, Mr. Howles presented personalised certificates to each child, celebrating unique qualities with "Most Likely To" awards. These light-hearted yet meaningful accolades highlighted the individual strengths and personalities of each student.

A touching video compilation of their time at Llangan was shared, evoking laughter and tears as it recapped their memorable moments and milestones.

The ceremony concluded with the presentation of two special awards. Members from the Cowbridge Rotary Club awarded the Young Citizen Award to Alessia, who was unanimously chosen by the staff for her exemplary contributions to the school community.


The final award, the Elizabeth Madge Award, was presented to a pupil who has made a significant contribution to the environment. This award, named in honour of former teacher Elizabeth Madge, recognises outstanding dedication to environmental stewardship, a cause she passionately supported.

The assembly was a fitting tribute to an amazing group of Year 6 pupils, celebrating their achievements and the lasting impact they have made on the school. Llangan Primary School wishes them all the best as they transition to their new schools and embark on the next exciting chapter of their educational journey.