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Y5 Innovative Engineers

As part of the Plaza’s inquiry for the summer term, we are thrilled to share a wonderful achievement by three of our exceptional pupils who recently took part in an innovative engineering project under the Primary Engineers Rail Programme. This initiative aims to nurture young minds in the field of engineering, and our pupils have truly excelled. Over several weeks, the learners demonstrated remarkable creativity and technical skills by designing and building a battery-powered rail model. They worked diligently, learning the basics of electrical circuits, mechanics, and design principles.

The culmination of their hard work was celebrated at a celebration event at Sophia Gardens in Cardiff. This celebration was part of the Primary Engineers Rail Programme, bringing together young engineers from various primary schools across Wales to showcase their projects and share their learning experiences. Our pupils confidently presented their battery-powered rail model, explaining the design process, the challenges they faced, and how they overcame them to real-life engineers. The learners showcased their models by testing how many carriages their models could carry, along with how straight they travelled. In recognition of their outstanding work, Llangan Primary Engineers (LPE) finished runners-up in the competition and were awarded certificates of achievement. Everyone at Llangan Primary is incredibly proud of their achievement and their demonstration of our school’s motto “Climb High, Climb Higher”! Da iawn!

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