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Llwynog Y5/6 we 18.10.24

An amazing week of learning and fun! 

Year 6 have been having a blast on their cycling proficiency course this week! It was brilliant to see so many pupils developing their skills and making it out onto the road. Bendigedig!

In class, we have been hard at work delving deeper into our enquiry about coal mining in Wales and the role of children in the Industrial Revolution. We have completed some map work and written about the origin of coal. 

In Literacy, we have been writing our own diaries and blogs and looking at he features of recount texts. 

In Maths, we have continued to work on our understanding of the four operations; column addition, subtraction and exchanging. 

We have been investigating and exploring the properties of materials in Science this week. We tested a number of materials according to different properties and decided upon their best uses. We then created tables and scatter graphs to show our results.