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Week Beginning 9.9.24

Nursery Rhyme Week

When the children arrived in Dosbarth Pili-Pala this week they certainly noticed a few changes. To start the day, they have to find their names for self registration, then take part in COOL activities and show the teachers when they have completed them. It has been lovely to see the children so engaged and wanting to finish set tasks in order to get a magic link. From making playdoh worms (worm at the bottom of my garden) and measuring them to looking closely at tarantula skins (Incy Wincy Spider) it certainly has been a busy week. On Wednesday, Reception pupils enjoyed their first forest school adventure in our outdoor classroom. We practised putting on our wellingtons, waterproof trousers and coats. You may have heard us singing our forest school song, "we're all going to forest school". To finish the week, we celebrated Roald Dahl Day. It such a wonderful surprise to see everyone dressed. We enjoyed sharing stories with Mr Howells and Year 4 pupils and even took part in a fashion parade. Mrs Stevens also brought in her pet tortoise Maibel (esiotrot), in to meet us. Such a treat