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This week's home learning


All spelling for each RWI group has now been added to Edshed for the children to access. If there are any issues, please contact us.


Year 1 Assignment: Addition facts

Year 2 Assignment: Fractions

Learning Log

We are in the middle of the football Euros. Have a go at one of the challenge questions below. Each star as a higher level of challenge.

Which one will you go for?


*Design a football for the competition - give reasons for your design.

** Choose 3 countries that play in the Euros, draw and colour their flags.

***Find out the names of the countries in the Euros and write them as a list in alphabetical order.

****Create a fact file about a country which is in the Euros


Due date: Wednesday 3rd July

Reading book

Read daily, book to be brought back in on allocated reading day.