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Friday 6th September 2024- NEW SCHOOL YEAR

Welcome Back For A New School Year

Llangan Primary School Newsletter: September 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,

We’ve had a wonderful start to the new school year, and I am truly impressed with how enthusiastically the children have returned, ready to learn. We have welcomed some new faces, both pupils and staff, and I’m confident that the Llangan community will offer them a warm and friendly welcome.

Llangan Enrichment Programme

We are delighted to share details of our extra-curricular Enrichment Programme for this term. All clubs will run from 3:30pm to 4:15pm. At Llangan Primary, we pride ourselves on a ‘no cancellation’ policy, meaning we will not cancel after-school clubs at short notice, except for Football/Rugby Club and Netball Club. If there is a match or fixture, this will take the place of the club’s usual session.

Enrolment for after-school clubs is open via ParentPay until 4pm on Wednesday, 11th September. Please note that each club has a limited number of places, so they will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. If oversubscribed, we will place your child on a waiting list and notify you when a spot becomes available.

We ask that pupils commit to attending regularly. If a pupil misses two consecutive sessions (excluding illness or authorised absences), their place will be given to someone on the waiting list.

Below is a list of available clubs:




Year Groups

Places Available


Art Club

Mrs Stevens / Miss Davies

Years 1 & 2

15 places



Miss Spiller / Mrs Jones

Years 3 - 6

16 places



Mr Howles

Years 3 - 6

20 places



Mrs Heavyside / Miss Hughes

Years 3 - 6

30 places


Clwb Cymraeg

Mrs Antoniou

Years 2 - 6

25 places



Mrs Finucane

Reception - Year 2

10 places


All clubs will start in the week beginning 16th September 2024.

PE Sessions

From next week, our PE sessions will run as follows:

  • Nursery and Reception: Wednesdays
  • Year 1 and 2: Tuesdays
  • Year 3: Tuesdays
  • Year 4: Wednesdays
  • Year 5 and 6: Wednesdays

Please ensure your child wears the correct PE kit: a white t-shirt with navy joggers, shorts, or leggings. This year, we will be phasing in new t-shirts in house colours:

  • Brecon: Green
  • Snowdonia: White
  • Gower: Red

Some suppliers are already offering these kits, and both the current and new kits are acceptable. We will provide more information regarding the official transition to the new PE kit in due course.

Roald Dahl Day

On Friday, 13th September, we’ll be celebrating Roald Dahl Day! Children are invited to dress up as their favourite Roald Dahl character. Remember, costumes don’t need to be expensive—homemade outfits and props can be just as fun and creative! We’ll have a day full of themed activities, culminating in a fashion parade in the afternoon with prizes for the best costumes.

September Reading Challenge

This week, we launched the Llangan September Reading Challenge! Each child has been given a school-banded book (where appropriate) and a book from their class library, along with a reading record to log their progress. We encourage all children to read as much as possible throughout September.

Please support your child by encouraging them to read daily and return finished books to be swapped for new ones. Reading with your child is one of the most effective ways to support their learning, but equally, fostering independent reading is crucial for building their confidence and love of reading.

Happy reading!

Attendance and Holidays During Term Time

Please note that from September 2024, following consultation with our Governing Body and in line with the Vale of Glamorgan’s policy, holidays during term time will be recorded as unauthorised absences.

Each child has an attendance target of 95%. Regular attendance is vital for consistent learning, social development, and building a solid foundation for future academic and career success. We kindly ask that you avoid booking holidays during school time. If your child’s attendance falls below the target, we will contact you directly.

Mr Griffiths' Injury

Some of you may have noticed I’ve been less visible around school recently. Unfortunately, I injured my achilles tendon and am currently in a plaster cast and on crutches. While I’m still working in school, my mobility is somewhat limited.

Please do not hesitate to contact me via email or phone if you need anything. I appreciate your understanding, and I hope to be fully back on my feet soon.

Key Dates to Remember:

  • Friday, 13th September: Roald Dahl Day
  • Monday, 16th September: Enrichment Clubs Begin
  • Wednesday, 25th October: Half-Term Break Begins

Thank you for your continued support and cooperation. We look forward to a successful and enjoyable school year ahead!

Best regards,
James Griffiths