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Friday 14 June

Greetings, everyone! It's been another eventful week at our beloved school, and I'm thrilled to share with you the latest happenings and achievements of our incredible students and staff.

This week has been a whirlwind of activity, as our young learners diligently prepared for the highly anticipated sports day. Unfortunately, due to the uncooperative weather on Thursday, we had to postpone the event. However, fear not! We will be hosting the sports day on Thursday, June 20th, from 1 pm to 3 pm, followed by the PTA Family Funday until 4:30 pm. Mark your calendars and get ready to cheer on our little athletes!

On Tuesday, the children in Reception, Year 1, and Year 2 embarked on an educational adventure to Bush Craft Adventure in Tythegeston near Porthcawl. This trip was directly linked to their enquiry about learning "Splendid Skies," where they are exploring the fascinating world of weather, seasons, and how we adapt to different climatic conditions. The children had the opportunity to construct their own shelters in the forest and learn the art of fire-making, truly immersing themselves in the great outdoors.

Friday was a day filled with excitement and generosity. Our amazing PTA hosted their Father's Day School in School event, allowing our pupils the chance to purchase gifts for their dads while raising funds for the PTA. A heartfelt thank you to all the incredible volunteers who made this event a resounding success.

On the same day, myself, Mrs. Heavyside and nine adventurous Year 6 students embarked on a remarkable journey, walking from our school to St David's CIW Primary School in Colwinston. This was part of the next leg in our cluster of the school's Olympic Torch Relay, where our pupils delivered the torch to the Year 6 students at St David's, along with a captivating presentation on the 2024 Olympics, the rich history of the Olympic Games, and the aims and values of the Olympic movement.

Additionally, the children in the junior classes had the privilege of participating in digital tech workshops led by a tech specialist. These workshops were directly linked to their enquiries of learning. The children in the Plaza class designed and built cars, then utilised Scratch Coding to programme them. Meanwhile, Year 6 students used Lego Spike resources to construct model fairground rides, which they then programmed using the coding software Scratch, bringing their creations to life.

Mr Griffiths


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