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Friday 24th May 2024

Greetings, everyone! I hope you've all had a fantastic couple of weeks. We've been buzzing with excitement and activity here at the school, and I'm thrilled to share some of the highlights with you.

Let's start with our Spelling Bee Competition, which has been a real hit amongst our students. It's been incredible to see their enthusiasm and dedication as they've tackled challenging words, even requesting more difficult ones. The competition will reach its climax on Friday, May 24th, when we witness the ultimate showdown of spelling prowess right here at school.

We’ve also been fortunate to have the support of Coach Calum from Cardiff Blues Rugby. As part of the club's outreach programme, he's been leading weekly training sessions with our Year 4 and Year 5 students, fostering their love for the sport and helping them develop their skills.


Last Friday, Mr. Howles took a team of our Year 5/6 footballers to Cowbridge Comprehensive for the Rotary Club's Annual Football Tournament. Our players represented the school admirably, winning and losing several games. Well done, boys! We're proud of your efforts and sportsmanship.

On Thursday, May 23rd, Llangan School hosted a very special event: Break The Rules Day! Yes, you read that correctly – a day where you get to break some of the school rules, but with a twist.

To participate in this rule-breaking extravaganza, pupils paid a small fee, and all the money raised will go towards the PTA's appeal to raise funds for outdoor learning. So, not only did we have fun, we contributed to improving our school's facilities! The event raised £490.

Here’s a glimpse of the rules you could break and the corresponding fees:

  • Dye your hair or have a crazy hairstyle – 50p
  • Wear a temporary tattoo – 50p
  • Enjoy an extra 20 minutes of playtime – £1
  • Wear a fancy dress outfit – £1
  • Wear your clothes backwards – 50p
  • Sit wherever you like in the classroom – £1
  • Wear pyjamas to school – £2
  • Bring a toy or teddy bear – 50p
  • No writing all day
  • Have an ice cream at break time
  • Bring and eat any snack you like
  • Wear nail varnish – 50p
  • Write with your other hand – 50p
  • Wear a hat in class – 50p

Remember, you can choose which rules you want to break, but you'll need to pay for each one.

Wishing you all an amazing, restful half term. See you back at school on Monday, June 3rd!