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Election Of Head Boy, Girl & Deputies

Llangan Primary School Celebrates the Election of Head Boy, Head Girl, and Deputies


Today (6.9.24), Llangan Primary School proudly elected its new Head BoyHead Girl, and their deputies, marking the beginning of a new school year with enthusiasm and leadership. This annual election is a key event for the Year 6 pupils, who step forward as candidates and run campaigns for these prestigious roles. This year’s winners, now First Ministers of our School Senedd, will play a vital part in shaping the school community, embodying Llangan's core values of Adaptability, Communication, Cooperation, Enquiry, Morality, Resilience, Respect, and Thoughtfulness.

The election process begins with Year 6 candidates delivering speeches to the entire school, explaining why they should be chosen for these important roles. The campaign is a valuable learning experience in itself, as pupils gain support to run a fair and persuasive campaign, giving them insight into the democratic process. The children then vote, and the candidates with the most votes are elected as Head BoyHead GirlDeputy Head Boy, and Deputy Head Girl.

The election process reflects the real-world democratic principles of our nation, teaching pupils the significance of fair elections, ethical leadership, and informed citizenship. It also demonstrates how children can engage meaningfully in decision-making processes, helping them grow as responsible citizens of both Wales and the world. Through this experience, they learn the importance of public speaking, listening, and leading with integrity.

Once elected, the Head BoyHead Girl, and their deputies step into roles of great responsibility. As First Ministers of our School Senedd, they act as ambassadors for Llangan Primary School, showcasing the very best of our school’s values. They lead by example, not only within the school but also when greeting visitors and representing Llangan at external events. Their commitment to being role models for younger pupils is clear, as they set a high standard of behaviour, responsibility, and service.

The leadership roles also teach pupils how to collaborate effectively, both with their peers and the school staff, as they help organise events, encourage participation in school activities, and ensure that the student voice is heard. By carrying out their duties with pride and respect, the elected pupils inspire others to follow the same path, encouraging a culture of cooperation and ethical responsibility within the school.

At Llangan Primary School, the election of our Head BoyHead Girl, and deputies is not just about titles—it’s about shaping young leaders who embody our school’s values and prepare to make a positive difference in the world.