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Welcome Back To School

Dear Parents and Carers,

I trust that you and your family have enjoyed a wonderful summer break, and that your children are feeling refreshed and eager to embark on the new school year.

On behalf of myself, the entire Llangan staff team, and the School Governors, I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks for your support throughout the last academic year. A child's success at school is the result of a strong partnership between the school, family, and child, all working together towards a shared vision. At Llangan, we are committed to helping our pupils ‘Dring y Uchel Dring yn Uwch’ (Climb High, Climb Higher).

The new school year will commence for children on Wednesday, 4th September. Please note that the school will be closed to pupils on Monday and Tuesday, as staff will be engaged in training and preparations for the year ahead. A gentle reminder that the school day begins at 8:55 am, with children welcome to enter from 8:45 am as part of our 'soft start'. The school’s free Breakfast Club is available from 8:05 am; if you would like to request a place for your child, please apply via the school office.

For those looking for an activity on Tuesday, 3rd September, Mrs Stevens will be in the School Allotment between 10 am and 2 pm, preparing the garden for the school year. We will be weeding, pruning, digging, and carrying out general maintenance. Several families have already volunteered, but more help would be greatly appreciated—many hands make light work!

Additionally, if you shop at Tesco stores in Bridgend, we would be grateful if you could place a blue token in the Llangan PTA box. This could be a valuable source of funding for our fantastic PTA.

We will also be hosting 'Meet the Teacher' events during the first week of term. These will provide an opportunity for parents to visit classrooms and receive a brief (10-minute maximum) presentation on key aspects of the school year. Following the events, we will share the presentations and handouts on the class webpages. The topics covered will include:

  • Regular routines (e.g., PE days, home/school reading, snack arrangements, homework)
  • An overview of inquiry/topics (handouts will be available)
  • Ways to help at home, with a focus on literacy and maths
  • Setting expectations (punctuality, perseverance, resilience, challenge)
  • How to contact class teachers and maintain open communication

Please find the schedule for these events below:

Wednesday, 4th September:

  • 3:30 pm – ½ Ms Jarman Davies
  • 3:45 pm – Y3 Miss Spiller
  • 4:00 pm – Y5/6 Mrs Antoniou & Mrs Heavyside

Thursday, 5th September:

  • 3:30 pm – Nursery & Reception Mrs Finucane & Mrs Hughes
  • 3:45 pm – Y4 Mr Howles

Please find attached the school holiday dates for 2024/25 and 2025/26. You may also find the following Vale of Glamorgan link useful: 

School Term Dates (

Below are our upcoming INSET days for the academic year 2024/25. These days are set aside for staff training and professional development, meaning pupils will not be required to attend school. By sharing this information early, we hope it will assist you in planning family holidays and activities without impacting your child’s education:

  • Monday, 2nd September 2024
  • Tuesday, 3rd September 2024
  • Monday, 4th November 2024
  • Monday, 3rd March 2025
  • Monday, 2nd June 2025
  • Monday, 21st July 2025

We are excited about the year ahead and all that it will entail. We look forward to welcoming the children back and supporting them on their educational journey.

With best wishes for the new school year,

Mr James Griffiths
Headteacher, Llangan Primary School