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16.10.23 - Our week at school

Literacy: This week we have been completing our ‘Hot Task’. We have been creating a fact file or leaflet all about Cardiff Castle. We were able to use what we saw on our class trip to Cardiff Castle. We also included all the facts we have learnt over the last few weeks about Cardiff Castle. We all tried really hard and made great improvements from the beginning of the term.

A group of children in a gym

Description automatically generatedPE – Ball handling skills

This week we were focusing on practising and honing our ball skills, especially focusing on passing and retrieving. We played games and carried out drills to practise. 

Homework Timetable:

Learning Log

Due in on Wednesday 25th October


Year 1 Assignment: Sound of ‘d’

Year 2 Assignment: Challenge words


Year 1 Assignment: Counting on a 100 grid & counting in 2’s.

Year 2 Assignment: Comparing numbers to 100.

Reading book

Read daily, book to be brought back in on allocated reading day.