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Happy New Year!

Welcome back, Year 3! We have had a very busy week this week! 

On Tuesday, we had our Jump In Day for our new inquiry. Our new inquiry is all about the oceans and how we can make sure we are looking after them. 

Our Jump In day was based upon the book 'Love Our Earth' and we had to create a piece of artwork about different lines from the text. 

During our first week back in school, we started learning about why the oceans are important and why they have an impact on our lives. We have also started our new writing journey, linked to adventure stories. We read part of the story 'The Boy Who Unplugged the Sea' and we had to think about what might happen next in the story as part of our cold task. 

It's been another busy week in Year 3, and we can't wait to continue our learning about the oceans this term!