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Friday 13th October 2023

Dear Parents and Guardians,

I hope this newsletter finds you well.

Parents Evening

This week I have sent you out invites to our upcoming Parents' Evening Meetings, which will be held on Tuesday 24th and Thursday 26th October. These meetings provide an excellent opportunity for you to discuss your child's progress with their teachers since the beginning of the school year. We firmly believe that a strong partnership between parents and the school is crucial in ensuring that every child reaches their full potential.

The meetings will be held in person at the school, with teachers available to meet parents in their respective classrooms. We encourage students to accompany their parents to these meetings, as their active involvement in discussions about their learning and progress is highly beneficial. Additionally, pupils' books will be available for both parents and children to view before the meetings, giving you a comprehensive understanding of your child's work.

During the meetings, teachers will discuss the pupil's most recent assessment data, set targets for the upcoming term, and provide a general progress update. Parents will receive a pupil target sheet containing assessment data and targets to take home. As the meetings are limited to 5 minutes each, we kindly request that parents adhere to the provided agenda to ensure that everyone has a chance to discuss their child's progress. If you have any further queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the school at or 01446 772403, and we will be more than happy to speak or arrange a meeting at a more convenient time.

New Parent Evening Booking System

I would also like to take a moment to thank you all for booking your appointments on our new Parent Portal. This new system, hosted on our school website and linked to our school app, has encountered a few technical issues this week. However, Mrs. Hale, our new admin office staff member, is working tirelessly to overcome any problems. If you are encountering any issues, please do not hesitate to call the school office for assistance.

In addition to the new Parent Portal, we have also launched a new school website, school app, and social media platforms to improve communication between the school and parents. We understand that there have been some teething problems with the new system, and we appreciate your patience as we work to iron out any glitches. We are confident that this new system will make communication between home and school more efficient in the future. Please bear with us as we continue to work hard to get the systems up and running smoothly.

School Car Park

Lastly, I would like to address an important matter regarding car park health and safety and courtesy. We are incredibly fortunate to have such a spacious car park here at Llangan Primary School. However, it is crucial that we all follow the rules in place to ensure the safety of our children, families, and visitors at all times.

We ask people using our car park to follow these rules: 

  • · The speed limit when driving in the car park is 5 miles an hour. 
  • · Reverse into parking spaces (this makes it safer for you when leaving your space.) 
  • Please do not park in the lane/verge leading to the car park as it is causing a queue of traffic which has in turn blocked the main road. (This happened on Friday 13th October).
  • · Children and visitors must walk along the path behind the chain fence. 
  • Children must be accompanied from the car to the gate in the mornings by a responsible adult, and are NOT allowed to run across the car park to the gate unaccompanied. 

Thank you for your continued cooperation in keeping our school community safe. I am grateful for your support and involvement in your child's education. Together, we can ensure that every child at Llangan Primary School reaches their full potential.

On Friday, the entire school came together to celebrate our rugby World Cup Celebration Day. The children arrived dressed in Welsh Rugby Shirts and wearing the colour red, showing their support for Wales. Throughout the day, the students delved into the history of the World Cup and learnt about the various countries competing. Y6 led a rugby skills workshop with the children in years 1 and 2 We also took the opportunity to cheer on our national team, as Wales prepared to face Argentina in the Quarter Finals on Saturday. It was wonderful to see the school spirit and enthusiasm displayed by our students.

During our weekly Celebration Assembly, the Criw Cymraeg introduced their latest challenge for the school. On Monday, we will be participating in Diwrnod Shwmae, a national initiative in Wales. This day encourages individuals to begin every conversation with the word "Shwmae," promoting the use of the Welsh language both in school and at home. We hope that this challenge will further enhance our commitment to embracing the Welsh culture and language within our school community.

On Thursday, our students in years 3, 4, and 5 had a unique opportunity to take part in an apple pressing workshop. Using apples harvested from our very own school garden, the children worked alongside local volunteers and utilized a community apple press. They picked, washed, and crushed the apples before placing the pulp into a hydraulic press to extract the juice. The students were thrilled to taste the freshly made apple juice and were even able to take a bottle home to share with their families.

I am incredibly proud of our students' engagement and enthusiasm throughout these activities. It is heartwarming to witness their passion for learning and their dedication to embracing our school values.

Thank you for your continued support, and I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Warm regards,

Mr James Griffiths Headteacher