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Dosbarth Llwynog w.e. 25.10.24

Our first half term in Dosbarth Llwynog has come to an end and what a busy half term it's been. the children have worked conscientiously and enthusiastically on their learning and we think they deserve a very well-earned rest!

It was lovely to catch up with our families at parents' evening. We hope you enjoyed the opportunity to look at your child's books and to discuss their progress. Please remember that we are always happy to discuss issues as they arise. Do not hesitate to get in touch if you need further advice, information or support.

In literacy, we have been exploring our new text type, recounts. The children have been looking at diaries and blogs. We've been exploring their features and have planned and written our own. 

In maths, the children have continued to develop their addition and subtraction, then multiplication and division skills. Please continue to encourage your children to learn their times tables, this really does help their classwork. 

In our enquiry learning, we have continued to learn about mining, exploring the areas of the UK that were most affected by the industry, and learning about working conditions that ultimately led to strike action at the end of the industrial revolution.


- A polite request that toys and football cards are not brought into school. 

- Please ensure all personal belongings are clearly labelled.

- School starts with registers at 8:55am. Lessons begin promptly at 9am, please ensure all children are in school on time.

Have a lovely half term holiday with your families,

Mrs Heavyside & Mrs Antoniou