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Friday 28th June

Dear School Community,

As we approach the end of another exciting term, I'm delighted to share some of the wonderful activities and events that have been taking place at Llangan Primary School.


Our Year 6 pupils have been busy this week, participating in cycling National Standards level 1 and 2 training courses. These courses are designed to equip our children with essential skills to become safer cyclists. The training began with basic manoeuvres in the playground, and those who progressed to level 2 had the opportunity to practise on quiet public roads near the school.

Meanwhile, our Year 4 and 5 pupils have been making a splash at Font Y Gary Leisure complex, where they've been enjoying swimming lessons. Over five sessions, the children have undergone swimming assessments, received small group coaching, and even learned crucial life-saving skills – including the challenge of swimming in pyjamas!

The summer term wouldn't be complete without our annual production, and this year, our talented Year 3-6 pupils are busy rehearsing for 'Grease'. It's sure to be 'Grease Lightning'! We have two performances scheduled for Thursday, 4th July, at 2 pm and 5:30 pm. Tickets are now available, so don't miss out on this spectacular show.

Looking ahead to the next academic year, I've sent out a letter detailing the class structure and teacher assignments. Our children will have the chance to meet their new teachers during a transition visit on Monday, 15th July. We're also excited to welcome Miss Spiller, an experienced teacher joining us from Cardiff, who will be teaching Year 3. To further support this transition, we'll be hosting Welcome Meetings on Wednesday, 11th September, where parents can meet the new teachers and learn about the curriculum.


Year Groups

Class Teacher/s

Teaching Assistant

Dosbarth Llwynog

Years 5 and 6

Mrs Heavyside & Mrs Antoniou

Intervention and Class support

Mrs Powling

Dosbarth Mochyn Ddaer

Year 4

Mr Howles

Dosbarth Draenog

Year 3

Miss Spiller

Mrs Woodward

Dosbarth Tylluan Eira

Years 1 AND 2

Mrs Jarman-Davies

Miss Davies

Dosbarth Pili Pala

Reception & Nursery

Mrs Finucane and Miss Hughes

Mrs Stevens

Next week promises to be colourful and fun-filled, as our PTA is organising a Colour Run event on Friday, 5th July, from 2-4 pm. Children will participate in their classes, with nursery children welcome to join at 2 pm. This sponsored event aims to raise funds for the school, and we're thrilled with the sponsorship support we've received so far. Parents and family members are invited to watch and enjoy refreshments and music after the run. If you'd like to participate, tickets are available via ParentPay for £5.

Please remember to give consent via ParentPay for your child to participate in the Colour Run. We recommend wearing light-coloured clothing for maximum colour effect, but be aware that clothes may become stained. Safety is our priority, so sunglasses or goggles must be worn during the run.

As always, thank you for your continued support and involvement in our school community. We look forward to seeing you at these exciting events and wish you all a wonderful week ahead.

James Griffiths
