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Plaza Learning we 19.4.24

A wonderful week of learning in the plaza. 

We had a jam-packed week of great learning in the plaza this week. 

In Maths, we have continued to learn about fractions. Working on equivalent fractions, adding and subtracting fractions and comparing fractions. 

In Literacy, we have finished writing up our newspaper reports on Cardiff Bay and the 20mph speed limit in Wales. 

In Science, we enjoyed learning about the lifecycle of a plant and researching different plant habitats. 

We took part in our last football session with Cardiff City Foundation this Thursday. The pupils have thoroughly enjoyed these sessions and have gained a multitude of skills over the 6-week course. 

Apologies, Mrs Antoniou is having technical difficulties with Edshed. Spellings for this week can be found on Google Classroom and in the pupils' red books.