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Dosbarth Pili-Pala Blog

Keep up to date with our class activities

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  • Week Beginning 9.9.24

    Published 13/09/24, by Tracy Finucane

    Nursery Rhyme Week

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  • Week Beginning 2nd September 2024

    Published 06/09/24, by Bethan Hughes

    Our first week in Dosbarth Pili-Pala

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  • Week Beginning 8.7.24

    Published 04/07/24, by Tracy Finucane


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  • Week Beginning 24th June 2024

    Published 27/06/24, by Tracy Finucane

    The Olympics

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  • Week Beginning 17th June 2024

    Published 21/06/24, by Tracy Finucane

    Adventures, visits and sports day!

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  • Week beginning 10.6.24

    Published 13/06/24, by Tracy Finucane

    Bushcraft Adventures

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  • Week beginning 13th May 2024

    Published 10/05/24, by Tracy Finucane

    The Sun and the Wind

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  • Week Beginning 29th April 2024

    Published 04/05/24, by Tracy Finucane

    What's the weather? Sut make tywydd?

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  • Week Beginning 22nd April 2024

    Published 25/04/24, by Tracy Finucane

    Well, can you believe it? It happened again! We had another "powercut" but only in Dosbarth Pili-Pala. This gave us a great opportunity to think about how we would manage when the weather creates such havoc. With no electricity we had to think of other ways to provide light to see and music to play for tidy up time. Mrs Finucane didn't even get to have her cup of coffee this morning. However we managed. Luckily the classroom was lit by candles. We even managed to make some candle holders. Also, with torches at the ready we were able to look in all the dark places with ease. As for music, we created our own tidy up music, whilst exploring all sorts of music instruments and sounds. Throughout the rest of the week you may have noticed us singing songs about 2d and 3d shapes. It's been a great avenue to use our knowledge of shape to go on a shape hunt, build 2d and 3d shapes in the construction and playdoh using matchsticks too. 

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  • Week beginning 15th April 2024

    Published 19/04/24, by Tracy Finucane

    What's changed?

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  • WB 11.03.24

    Published 15/03/24, by Admin
    This week we read the story 'There's a Dragon in Your Book!' by Tom Fletcher. We thought about the egg that had arrived at school and discussed what could be inside it. We drew pictures of our ideas and labelled them, before writing
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  • Week Beginning 4.3.24

    Published 07/03/24, by Admin

    World Book Day!

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